Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

29226 - Bioethics and Deontology

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29226 - Bioethics and Deontology
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The teaching methodology is proposed in the course to help students achieve learning outcomes is based on: -The conference -Classes participation practices, Seminars. -The Student autonomous work -Tutoría

5.2. Learning tasks

Master Class
This teaching methodology is oriented to place the student in each of the topics that make up matter. It allows to present each topic from a global perspective, placing it in the field of matter. This facilitates the integration of its content with the content of other subjects.
The aim of this method is to provide information tailored to the level of the student. Through the realization of each of the themes of the selection of the most important aspects for the student. This aims to facilitate understanding of the main concepts of the subject.
To facilitate the presentation of the topics power-point presentations are used. Moreover, such presentations the student is provided for further study.
Another of the objectives pursued with the master class is to promote student participation in class, interspersing questions during exposure or comments on newspaper articles, radio news and television news.
The master class is sufficient to cover only the targets for the transmission of knowledge and understanding, not being able to reach the analysis and application of acquired knowledge. To achieve these objectives are used in the course of Seminars and independent work of the student.
Practical classes
This method of teaching is essential in a discipline such as Bioethics and whose knowledge and preparation are achieved when they are able to understand and resolve individual cases using general concepts observed in the conference.
Its main purpose is to teach the student to reason with the criteria and seen in lectures contents, apply those acquired knowledge, thus contributing to their settlement.
Autonomous student work
Elaboration of two works, one of them will develop a theme of the program content of the subject proposed by the teacher to be presented in class by the student
They aim to resolve any doubts that may have the student during the study of the subject, as well as orient and guide the student conducting case studies and documents to be made.

5.3. Syllabus


1. Ethics, Bioethics and Professional Ethics. Concept and historical evolution. Principles of Bioethics.

2. Basic Principles of Professional Ethics dietitian: Spanish Code of Ethics and Human Nutrition and Dietetics International codes of ethics for the profession of Nutritionist-Dietitian.

3. Exercise legal and illegal profession of dietitian. professional intrusion.

4. The health act. Legal nature. Professional practice in various forms.

5. Health Professional Responsibility. Types and constituent elements of professional responsibility

6. Patient Rights I. Right to information. Informed consent.

7. Patient Rights II. Right to confidentiality. Professional secrecy .

8. Medicolegal documents relevant to the nutritionist-dietitian: History, Part Certificate and expert report.

9. Research Ethics Committees with humanos.Los beings Clinical Research Ethics.

10. Ethics at the beginning of life asistida.Normativa Reproduction Techniques I. Legal Issues

11. Ethics at the beginning of life II issues. termination of pregnancy. legal regulations.

12. Ethical end of life issues. Terminaly the patient in palliative care situation. The right to a death digna.La Euthanasia. legal regulations.

13.Cuestiones ethics of organ and tissue transplants. Legal regulations

B. In the area of ​​moral philosophy, matter is organized into two blocks:


1. Origin and history of bioethics

2. Scope of bioethics
3. Some contributions of bioethics to philosophical debate
4. foundations of bioethics
5. shadings to approach bioethics principialist
6. Fines and media in bioethics
7. Bioethics and Law
8. Some hazards associated with the invocation of bioethics
9. Bioethics and public perception of biotechnology
10. Evaluation of technologies and bioethics
1. Bioethics and nutritional support
2. Bioethics and dietary
3. Bioethics and Clinical Nutrition
4. Bioethics, nutrition and hospital patient
5. Bioethics and Codes

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

The timing of the various activities will be developed according to the academic calendar and schedule established by the center. Practical work must be submitted at the end of the semester

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Medicina legal y toxicología / editor, Enrique Villanueva Cañadas . - 6ª ed. Barcelona : Masson, 2004
  • Beauchamp, Tom L.. Principios de ética biomédica / Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress . - 1ª ed., reimp. Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.] : Masson, 2002
  • Gracia Guillén, Diego. Fundamentos de bioética / Diego Gracia. . - [2a. ed.] Madrid : Triacastela, 2007
  • Ética en la práctica clínica / Diego Gracia y Javier Júdez (eds.) Madrid : Triacastela, 2004.
  • Jonsen, Albert R.. Ética clínica : aproximación práctica a la toma de decisiones éticas en la medicina clínica / Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler y William J. Winslade ; prólogo de Victoria Camps. . Barcelona : Ariel : Fundació Victor Grífols i Lucas, 2005
  • Bioética en las ciencias de la salud / coordinadores Ma. Dolores Espejo Arias, Aurelio Castilla García. . Alcalá la Real (Jaén: Asociación Alcalá, 2001.
  • Sánchez González, Miguel Ángel. Bioética en ciencias de la salud / Miguel Ángel Sánchez González Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier Masson, cop. 2013